Bently Nevada 3500/62 Process Variable Monitor

product id: 106103

Category: Vibration Monitoring

Manufacturer: Bently Nevada

InstruHub is a leading supplier and reseller of Bently Nevada Vibration Monitoring in Turkmenistan, and we ship to all major cities such as Ashgabat


  • Power consumption 4.6 watts max.
  • High-speed network Monitor status, data and values
  • RS232 port (I/0) touch controller data
  • Front port:
    • 24 Vdc Power out
    • VGA signal out
    • Touch commands in.
  • Operating temp: -22 to 149°F (-20 to 65°C)

The Bently Nevada 3500/94M VGA Display Monitor uses a standard color VGA monitor with Touch Screen technology to display 3500 data. This product has three components, the 3500/94M VGA Display module, its associated I/O module, and the VGA display monitor. The display monitor, with standard cables, can be mounted up to 6.1 m (20 ft) from the rack.

The 3500/94M modules are configured through the 3500 Rack Configuration Software. You can configure up to nine custom screens. By default, one bargraph screen shows all of the 1Xfiltered vibration measurements, while another shows the proximity transducer Gap values. Custom screens may be organized into machine train groupings. You can organize system data into any pages on the custom screen.

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