Excelta 418 Inspection Mirror,BGA, Rectangular, Knurled Grip Surface, 5.5" OAL, Stainless Steel

product id: 67540

Category: Electronic Production Supplies, Magnification & Lighting

Manufacturer: Excelta

InstruHub is a leading supplier and reseller of Excelta Electronic Production Supplies, Magnification & Lighting in Russia, and we ship to all major cities such as Moscow

The 418 three star rectangular BGA inspection mirror is 5.5” long with a knurled grip surface. The clear-view mirror allows the user to inspect solder joints of a BGA component before and after the reflow/rework process. This will permit the operator to visually inspect the outer row of solder spheres to properly wet the solder point.

Base Material Stainless Steel
Overall Length 5.5"
Mirror Shape Rectangular
Mirror Size .30" X .30"

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