AccuMac AM1860 SPRT

product id: 105438

Category: Platinum Resistance Thermometers

Manufacturer: AccuMac

InstruHub is a leading supplier and reseller of AccuMac Platinum Resistance Thermometers in Oman, and we ship to all major cities such as Muscat, Seeb, Salalah, Sohar


  • -328 to 1238°F (-200 to 670°C) temp range
  • Extremely low drift rate of <0.002°C
  • 6.35mm diameter, 500mm length
  • ±0.0015°C repeatability
  • Includes wooden case
  • Meets ITS-90 criteria
  • Made of durable inconel 600 sheath

AccuMac AM1860 SPRTs are widely used as reference thermometers for dry block calibrators and temperature bath applications. A controlled cleaning and assembly process protects the platinum sensing wire from contamination even at high temperatures. The thermometer is filled with a gas mixture to make the sensor wire oxidation effect as low as possible. Every SPRT is fully tested for stability after it's manufactured.

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