Hakko FX300-03 Soldering Pot 1.87 lb Capacity

product id: 70266

Category: Electronic Production Supplies, Solder & Desolder

Manufacturer: Hakko

InstruHub is a leading supplier and reseller of Hakko Electronic Production Supplies, Solder & Desolder in Oman, and we ship to all major cities such as Muscat, Seeb, Salalah, Sohar

The Hakko FX-300 analog, Lead-Free compatible, soldering pot features:
•analog functionality
•variable temperature control
•ceramic heating element
•easy pot replacement
•accomodates two pot sizes (50 mm and 75 mm square)
•use the two pots for different solder compositions and use the different pot sizes with the same unit
•optional pot available (with special treated coating) for longer life

50 x 50 mm square solder pot is included with the unit
75 x 75 mm square solder pot is an optional part

Alternate Product Number FX300 03, FX30003

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