Hakko A1393 Replacement Desoldering Nozzle

product id: 70200

Category: Electronic Production Supplies, Solder & Desolder

Manufacturer: Hakko

InstruHub is a leading supplier and reseller of Hakko Electronic Production Supplies, Solder & Desolder in Kenya, and we ship to all major cities such as Nairobi & Mombassa

This nozzle is used with the following Hakko Desoldering Tools and Handpieces:
•Hakko 808 Desoldering Tool
•Hakko 817 Desoldering Gun
•Hakko 802 Desoldering Gun
•Hakko 807 Desoldering Pencil

Depth 0.070"
For Use With Metcal MX-500 Series
Type Desoldering Tip
Width .140”
Temperature Series 600
Tip Style Slot
Length 1 .060”
SMD Component Chip 1206, 1210
SMT Type Chip 1206, 1210

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