Ntron Microx Oxygen Analyzer

product id: 105248

Category: Oxygen Transmitters

Manufacturer: Ntron

InstruHub is a leading supplier and reseller of Ntron Oxygen Transmitters in Egypt, and we ship to all major cities such as Cairo, Alexandria, Giza & Port Said


  • 0 to 0.1% display resolution
  • Zirconia or electrochemical sensor technology options
  • Din-rail enclosure
  • RS232
  • 3 configurable alarm relay contacts
  • T 90 of less than 10 seconds
  • Only 100 mLPM sample is required
  • 5 year operating life

The Ntron Microx is a compact and robust oxygen analyzer that utilizes zirconia or electrochemical technology to give a reliable measurement of oxygen concentration. The zirconia sensor offers fast response time and a long service life with virtually no drift, while the electrochemical sensor allows measurement in background gases containing hydrocarbons.

The minimum output range of 0 to 10ppm is ideal for nitrogen generation or glove box monitoring. The Microx analyzer can also be supplied with measuring r anges up to 0 to 96% O2 for oxygen concentrators. The flexibility is further enhanced by different mounting options and multiple sensor types.

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